4 Key Takeaways From Semrush’s 2024 Ranking Factors Study

Recently, Semrush published its 2024 Ranking Factors Study which analysed over 300,000 results to establish which factors are more closely related to higher search rankings. While obviously none of it can be said to be a concrete answer, it did provide valuable insight into how our work as SEOs translates into actual results. In this 99-page document, I read through and picked out the points that stood out to me the most and collated them here for you to digest.

Exact Keyword Match Isn’t Essential

The average length of titles within the top 10 was only 7 words. Interestingly, very few of them included exact match keywords in the title or the meta description. Instead, this means that naturally including keywords that are relevant to your content and the user’s intent is more important.

This came as a small surprise to me, as I am a believer that when the time is right, you can (and should) utilise exact keyword match. As an SEO consultant who works with brands going up against some of the biggest players in their industry, knowing these small insights makes all the difference when trying to increase traffic and revenue.

Utilise Your Branded Terms

Building your brand is as important as ever. This study suggests that almost 1 out of 3 visitors to domains of top-ranking pages go to these websites directly. And 1 out of 4 does so by typing a brand query in Search.

We’ve known for a long time that branded terms come with some of the best CTR and conversion rates. There is potential for considerable traffic to be gained by ensuring that your business is across all its branded terms. Of course, this is something we can help you with, within our SEO services here in Cornwall.

Quality Content is More than Words on a Page

Quality content is still king. This study does not show a correlation between greater word count & higher ranking. If you’re spot on with matching the user intent, you have every chance to rank highly. However, it is noted that quality content doesn’t just stop at the words on the page. It also includes factors such as readability, inclusion of images, and content formatting all in a bid to improve user experience.

This is Google prioritising user experience to the nth degree. Page speed will no doubt have a part to play in this also, ensuring the user has absolutely no reason to visit any other site.

Your Backlink Profile Still Matters

Backlinks aren’t redundant just yet. This study found a strong correlation between higher Page Authority Score and Domain Authority Score and higher rankings. While they are no longer considered a Top-3 ranking factor, don’t ignore link building.

All in all, nothing new is being brought to the table, but it is a very insightful study that reaffirms all the good work we do in SEO is based on sound logic. Take a look for yourself and let me know what you think of their findings.

Looking for some SEO help?

Now that you’ve read the 4 key takeaways from Semrush’s 2024 Ranking Factor study, you might be wondering how you can use it to increase your organic visibility. That’s where I come in. As an SEO Consultant based in Cornwall, I know what it takes to get your business in front of your target audience. Get in touch with us and let’s talk about how we can get your business found online.