I am delighted to announce that I have teamed up with the hedgehog rescue charity Prickles & Paws to help them raise their online presence and ultimately generate some much-needed funding. Over the course of the coming months, I will be helping the team at Prickles & Paws take their social media presence to the next level, while also driving critical traffic to their website through industry-standard SEO – all free of charge.
Why Prickles & Paws Work is so Important
The mission of Prickles & Paws is simple. To be able to offer a place of refuge for unwell and endangered hedgehogs as well as provide vital emergency care to get them rehabilitated and back into their natural habitat.
According to a study conducted by the People’s Trust for Endangered Species, despite the number of hedgehogs still being relatively high, there has been a dramatic decline in recent years, with around a third of the national population lost since the millennium. Declining in both rural and urban habitats, due to a range of factors.
Prickles & Paws currently operate throughout the southwest, with their main area of operation being Cornwall. It is fair to say, they are the hub for all things hedgehogs down here in Kernow. It is fantastic to join up with another Cornish organisation to help them get the most out of their digital marketing.
As a result of several years of fantastic growth, they now have a solid foundation to launch their ambitious five-year strategic plan.
The aim is to expand the services they provide to keep up with the increasing number of hedgehogs needing help by moving to new, purpose-built, premises which will also allow further development of their educational offer and research.
Where my Digital Marketing Expertise comes in
While they have already done great things with their online presence, Prickles & Paws decided it was time to elevate their already impressive digital marketing effort with the aim to not only generate funding but also raise awareness.
I will be assisting their current marketing guru squeeze as much value out of their content as possible. Our main focus will be on making their social media accounts work as hard as possible for them, with a secondary aim to increase the organic visibility of their website.
Need help with your Digital Marketing?
Of course, if your business needs help getting the most out of your digital marketing, please do not hesitate to get in touch. As a content marketing specialist, I can help you push your brand in front of the eyes that matter.